วันพุธที่ 14 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Once A Month Cooking - How To Make It A Reality

Once a month cooking - who me? I don't have time. Once a month cooking sounds like an option for the stay-at-home mother rather than today's woman who juggles family and career and is more likely to found driving her kids to soccer practice than toiling away in the kitchen.....

Once A Month Cooking
How To Make It A Reality

Once a month cooking - who me? I don't have time. Once a month cooking sounds like an option for the stay-at-home mother rather than today's woman who juggles family and career and is more likely to found driving her kids to soccer practice than toiling away in the kitchen. It sounds like something that our mothers did not us.

But once a month cooking is a realistic option for a busy working mother. What is more it can save you money and make sure that your family gets nutritious food.

We hear so much about the problems of obesity and poor nutrition that results from a diet based on fast food. We know the virtues of good home cooking but finding time to do it is another matter. Once a month cooking offers a way of achieving that traditional ideal without spending every day in the kitchen. Once a month cooking offers a way of ditching the convenience food without becoming a stay-at-home mom.

Everything you need for once a month cooking is already to hand in the modern kitchen. You may need to invest in a few more freezer proof dishes but you already have the freezer and a cooker.

What you are aiming to do is to cook all the meals you need for a month and freezing them. We are talking about a weekend really. The whole family can get involved. It can become part of your family time. Measuring, weighing, mixing, planning and working as a team all make an excellent educational experience for the children. They get lessons in math and life skills as well as nutritious meals.

I mention planning, and this is the secret to cooking one a month. You need to plan your menus for the whole month. No one wants pasta Bologna ever day for a month so build in plenty of variety. Think about any special dietary needs that members of your family may have. The vegetarian daughter needs her meals too. The advantage of cooking once a month is that you can plan for your whole family and provide alternatives.

If you are cooking alternative options for some members of the family you need to think about portion sizes. Some individual dishes should be frozen as well as larger dishes for the whole family. One of the advantages of cooking once a month is that you have far greater control over portion size than usual. You can calculate the calories contained in a meal.

When you plan meals in this way you can ensure that you include enough fruit and vegetables. When you grab hurried meals it is all to easy to miss out on fruit and vegetables and essential nutrients. With once a month cooking you become aware of just what you are eating. Taking time to plan lets you make rational decisions and to discuss the health benefits of eating a nutritious diet with your children.

Once you have planned your menu you can draw up a shopping list. Taking a shopping list to the supermarket is one of the best ways of avoiding impulse purchases that pile on calories that are empty of nutrients. When your children have contributed to planning the menu they are less likely to demand treats.

Once you get used to the idea of once a month cooking you can plan little treats in the form of cakes and desserts. Even home-baked bread or pastries for those occasional lazy Sunday mornings can be included in your once a month cook. The advantage of once a month cooking is that you know what is in these treats.

Another advantage of once a month cooking is that you have much greater control of your budget than usual. There may even be things you can buy in bulk and make savings that way. Quite apart from what you save by planning your shopping you also save on the cost of gas by making fewer trips to the store. You benefit directly from that and the rest of the community benefits from less pollution. You may also like to consider whether it would be better to use a store that will deliver. Internet shopping and home delivery may the best option.

One word of caution: if your friends and neighbours get to hear about once a month cooking you may find that you have started an once a month cooking business.

Abhishek is really passionate about Cooking and he has got some great Cooking Secrets. up his sleeves! Download his FREE 88 Pages Ebook, "Cooking Mastery!" from his website http://www.Cooking-Guru.com/770/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
By Abhishek Agarwal
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
